5-17-12: You’ve heard about advertising and marketing firms receiving industry awards typically for creative, planning or being considered leaders in their profession. Often, in the case of creative awards, the recipient will share the credit with the client who allowed them to do the work. Well, here’s an interesting and unique twist…
Congratulations to Mike Beltrame, President of Beltrame Leffler Brand Communications, for receiving the President’s Award from one of our clients. That’s right, you read this correctly. Mike was awarded by the client, International-Dairy-Deli-Bakery-Association (IDDBA), for years of excellent service. This is quite an accomplishment.
Mike will receive his award in New Orleans at this year’s Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar which caters to more than 7,500 grocery industry professionals. Add another star to the lineup. Along with Terry Bradshaw, John Pinette, Paula Deen and others, Mike will be applauded when he is honored with the prestigious President’s Award. Nice work Mike!