Yeah, it’s been 12 years since we first opened our doors here on Massachusetts Avenue, in Indianapolis Indiana.

We’ve seen a lot of changes. From the Abbey Coffee House (pay your respects), to the Beilouny condominiums. From the “745” (that fell in the hole where the Beilouny now stands) to the 745 “Mass Ave. Pub” that after falling in the hole, re-opened.

We’ve seen a lot of storefronts come and go across the street. In fact, a variety of merchandise including a shoe store that promoted “shoes for boys, shoes for girls and shoes for boys who want to be girls.” There was once a silver jewelry shop that turned into a tattoo shop that turned into the “Flying Cupcake” (excellent cupcakes, by the way) and a few other interesting shops in between but not necessarily in this order.

We now have the cultural trail wrapping around our windows. So, as you can tell, it makes perfect sense. Just in the past 12 years, there has been a lot of culture passing through our block on Mass. Ave., and now, most appropriately, it passes along the Cultural Trail