We can Help, Contact Us Now to Discuss a Plan that Works…
Is your website helping or hurting your business right now? There is a lot of business happening outside of the traditional office environment – with less in-person meetings. Imagine how much of that business is happening online? Is your website a good reflection of your business? Can it be updated easily to strategically promote your business during these times? Has it been updated recently?
Is Social Media really necessary for businesses? – LinkedIn (social media for the business community) usage is up 51%…Businesses that already have a branded presence on LinkedIn and other relevant channels are taking advantage of those channels for marketing and sales. It is affordable, and it is available…
And yes, add email to this mix. With so many relying on devices for communication, open rates are at an all-time high.

The Strength of Digital Marketing
In 2018, Google helped provide $2.13 billion of economic activity for Indiana businesses, website publishers, and nonprofits. And, Facebook now has a community of over 2.4 billion people. The ability to reach your customers has never been more powerful. To be successful, you’ll not only need an agency that understands Digital Marketing, but one that understands your brand.

Telling Your Story
Imagine if you could personally tell your story to potential customers. With video, you can. Beltrame Leffler can help you quickly and concisely communicate your message to a specific audience. And, as part of an integrated digital strategy, it can be a dynamic way to communicate your message.

Refined Design
It’s hard to fake good design. To succeed in an over-saturated market, you need bold, relevant, and beautiful graphics. We stay on top of current design trends to make sure your brand is never tired or stodgy.